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Self Publishing Facts

Control - You have complete control of your book design and where it is sold without dealing with a third party.

Sole Ownership - As a self-publisher, you own all rights to the book and are in the position to set your own price with all profits coming to you.

Big Profits - If a large publishing house contracts to publish your book, you will receive only 5% to 15% royalty on each book sold. As a self-publisher, you can receive 50% to 200% profit, thus benefiting from self publishing.

Publishing Time - Large publishing houses take months to complete your book for sale in book stores. will complete the finished product in only a few days.

Special Interest Books - Large publishing houses do not have an interest in special interest books. However, in many cases, books dealing with education, special how-to books, or books on religion have a great sales appeal to the general public. Large publishing houses are very selective in the manuscripts they choose to finance.

Local Interest - Large publishers are not interested in local interest books. However, books with interest in a certain region or community sell very well and can raise thousands of dollars for the author.

Family Books - Making money is not the only interest of many authors. Telling a family story or just getting their words in print for the next generation is very important.

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